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Making Crypto Great Again: Actionable Strategies for a Safer and Enhanced Crypto Environment

By TheHolyCoins Team, about 2 months ago
CryptoOpinionData SecurityMicropaymentsPost-Quantum CryptographyHomomorphic EncryptionFiat-to-Crypto Solutions
Cover Image for Making Crypto Great Again: Actionable Strategies for a Safer and Enhanced Crypto Environment

The cryptocurrency landscape, despite its revolutionary potential, still faces significant challenges. To make crypto truly great, we need to address these challenges head-on, focusing on reducing scams and frauds, pioneering R&D in untouched blockchain areas, and identifying what is missing to integrate crypto into our everyday lives.

1. Reducing Scams and Frauds: Beyond Smart Contract Audits

A transparent glass on blue ice with a blue sky and white clouds in the background

While smart contract audits are a given, the rampant scams in the crypto space demand more rigorous and innovative solutions. Many platforms, knowingly or unknowingly, provide a stage for dubious projects that often turn out to be scams. This needs to change. Platforms should be held accountable for the projects they promote. Here are some detailed steps to ensure accountability:

1. Mandatory Due Diligence:

  • Comprehensive Background Checks: Platforms must perform comprehensive background checks on project teams. This includes verifying the identities and qualifications of team members, checking their past involvements in the crypto space, and assessing their reputation within the community.
  • Feasibility Assessment: Platforms should assess the technical feasibility and business viability of projects. This involves evaluating the project's whitepaper, technical architecture, roadmap, and the realism of its promises. Projects making exaggerated claims without solid technical backing should be red-flagged.
  • Ongoing Monitoring: Due diligence should not be a one-time process. Platforms must establish systems for ongoing monitoring of listed projects to ensure they continue to meet the standards set at the time of listing. This includes tracking project milestones, development progress, and community engagement.

2. Transparency Reports:

  • Detailed Listing Reports: Platforms should publish detailed reports for each listed project, outlining the due diligence performed, key findings, and reasons for listing approval. This report should be accessible to all users, providing transparency and building trust.
  • Regular Updates: Platforms should provide regular updates on the status of listed projects. This includes progress reports, any changes in the project team, updates on technical developments, and any issues or concerns that have arisen.
  • User Feedback Integration: Transparency reports should also include feedback from the user community. Platforms should actively solicit and incorporate user feedback to ensure that the projects listed meet community expectations and maintain credibility.

3. Penalties for Non-Compliance:

  • Financial Penalties: Implement financial penalties for platforms that fail to conduct adequate due diligence or knowingly list scam projects. These penalties should be substantial enough to discourage negligent behavior.
  • Delisting and Bans: Platforms that consistently fail to meet due diligence standards should face delisting from major aggregators and possible bans from operating. This ensures that platforms maintain high standards and act in the best interest of their users.
  • Legal Action: In severe cases, platforms that facilitate fraudulent activities should face legal consequences. This could involve regulatory actions or lawsuits to hold them accountable for the losses incurred by investors.

By implementing these measures, platforms can significantly reduce the prevalence of scams and frauds in the crypto space. Holding platforms accountable for the projects they promote will create a safer and more trustworthy environment for all participants.

2. Pioneering R&D in Untouched Blockchain Areas

A person in a white lab coat sits at a desk with a computer. The setting is a large, nuclear-looking office filled with complex nuclear devices and advanced computers

Post-Quantum Cryptography

With the advent of quantum computing, current cryptographic techniques could become obsolete. Research in post-quantum cryptography is crucial.

Lattice-Based Cryptography: Focus on developing lattice-based cryptographic algorithms, which are believed to be resistant to quantum attacks. These algorithms can provide the necessary security to protect blockchain transactions and data in a post-quantum world.

Homomorphic Encryption

Homomorphic encryption allows computations to be performed on encrypted data without decrypting it first. This can revolutionize data privacy and security in blockchain applications.

Practical Implementations: Develop practical implementations of homomorphic encryption to enable confidential data processing on the blockchain. This would allow sensitive data to be used in computations without ever being exposed, providing a significant boost to privacy and security.

Autonomous Smart Contracts

While smart contracts are powerful, they still require manual intervention for complex scenarios. Developing fully autonomous smart contracts can revolutionize various industries.

AI-Driven Smart Contracts: Implement AI algorithms within smart contracts to handle more complex decision-making processes. These smart contracts can autonomously adjust their terms based on real-time data inputs, making them more versatile and efficient.

3. What’s Missing from Bringing Crypto into Our Daily Lives?

Two hands holding a phone, tapping on arrows displayed on it. In the background, blockchain symbols are connected with arrows

Seamless Fiat-to-Crypto Integration

Despite the existence of stablecoins and payment solutions, a major barrier remains: the seamless integration of fiat and crypto transactions. Users need an easier way to convert between fiat and crypto without the friction of current exchange processes.

Invisible Conversion Solutions: Develop technologies that allow for invisible fiat-to-crypto conversions within existing payment infrastructures (e.g., credit cards, mobile wallets). Imagine paying with your regular debit card, and the backend instantly converts your fiat to crypto, making the process seamless for the user.

Frictionless Micropayments

Although stablecoins and payment solutions exist, the infrastructure for frictionless micropayments is still lacking. Micropayments can enable new business models, such as pay-per-use services and micro-subscriptions.

Instant, Zero-Fee Micropayments: Create novel blockchain solutions that enable instant, zero-fee micropayments, making it economically feasible to transact even the smallest amounts. This could involve innovative consensus mechanisms or specialized Layer 2 solutions designed specifically for micropayments.

User Experience (UX) Overhaul

For widespread adoption, the user experience (UX) needs to be significantly improved. The goal is to make using crypto as intuitive and straightforward as using popular mobile apps.

  • Integrated Financial Interfaces: Create platforms that seamlessly integrate crypto with traditional financial services, allowing users to manage all their assets in one place. This includes features like integrated tax reporting, seamless fiat on/off ramps, and interoperable investment options across crypto and traditional assets.
  • Simplified Interfaces: Develop more intuitive interfaces and streamlined processes. The aim is to reduce the complexity and technical jargon often associated with crypto transactions. Features like guided tutorials, clear and simple instructions, and user-friendly designs can help make the experience more accessible to a broader audience.
  • User-Centric Design: Focus on user-centric design principles, ensuring that every aspect of the crypto experience is designed with the end-user in mind. This includes reducing the number of steps required to complete a transaction, providing easy access to support and resources, and creating a seamless and enjoyable experience from start to finish.

By focusing on these areas, the crypto industry can make significant strides towards mainstream adoption. Improving the user experience, making transactions more seamless, and integrating crypto more closely with traditional financial systems will help bridge the gap between early adopters and the general public.


Making crypto great again requires a multifaceted approach that addresses the current challenges head-on. Reducing scams and frauds through accountability and real-time prevention, pioneering R&D in unexplored areas of blockchain, and improving usability are crucial steps. Post-quantum cryptography, homomorphic encryption, blockchain-integrated renewable energy solutions, autonomous smart contracts, seamless fiat-to-crypto integration, frictionless micropayments, and a UX overhaul are just a few areas that require immediate attention. By addressing these areas with innovative solutions, we can unlock the full potential of cryptocurrency and integrate it seamlessly into our daily lives.