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What is IDO? Understanding Initial DEX Offerings in Crypto

By TheHolyCoins Team, 27 days ago
Crypto GuideDecentralizationIDOs
Cover Image for What is IDO? Understanding Initial DEX Offerings in Crypto

The cryptocurrency world keeps evolving and inventing new ways for projects to raise money from the public. One relatively new method is called an Initial DEX Offering, or IDO, in short.

Ever wondered what an IDO is? Or maybe you’re curious about what it means for crypto? If so, you're in the right place!

What Does IDO Mean?

An Initial DEX Offering (IDO) is one more method for crypto projects to sell coins or crypto tokens to the public. This sale is conducted on decentralized exchanges (DEXs). It helps crypto projects raise money through crowdfunding on these DEXs, and thus has an important role in the further flourish of the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Unlike Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), IDOs list tokens right on decentralized exchanges. Why are IDOs getting more popular? They let crypto projects raise funds through liquidity pools without using middlemen. This means investors can trade tokens pretty quickly after the IDO completes.

Plus, IDOs are usually fairer for regular investors compared to ICOs

How Does an IDO Work?

IDOs, or Initial DEX Offerings, use blockchain tech to sell tokens. Here’s how it works:

Four boxes labeled 'Preparation and Announcement,' 'Token Listing,' 'Fundraising and Token Distribution,' and 'Immediate Trading,' each with descriptions inside. The boxes are connected by arrows from top to bottom.
The IDO workflow

1. Preparation and Announcement:

  • Due Diligence: The decentralized exchange (DEX) or launchpad checks the project. They look at the team's background, project goals, and if the project seems trustworthy.
  • Announcement: The project team shares details about the IDO, like the date, time, and which DEX will host it.

2. Token Listing:

  • Liquidity Pools: The project's tokens are listed on a DEX using liquidity pools. This lets people swap their existing tokens, like Ethereum, for the new project's tokens
  • Smart Contracts: These smart contract manage the liquidity pool and make sure tokens are given out correctly to everyone who participates

3. Fundraising and Token Distribution:

  • Contribution: Investors join in by putting their cryptocurrencies into the liquidity pool. In return, they get the project's tokens.
  • Smart Contract Distribution: The smart contract is responsible for giving out tokens based on set rules. This ensures everyone gets the right amount of tokens for what they contributed, without any human interference.
  • Transparency: The nature of blockchain and the visibility of the ledger, guarantee the process transparency. The smart contract manages it, and the transactions are forever written in the blockchain for everyone to see.

4. Immediate Trading:

  • Post-IDO Liquidity: Post-IDO Liquidity: After the IDO ends, tokens can be traded right away on the DEX. This means investors can quickly sell or trade their tokens.
  • Market Dynamics:Investors can buy and sell tokens on the market. The token's value will be set by how many people want to buy or sell them.
  • Price Volatility: At first, the price can change a lot. It might go up and down quickly and extremely.

That's how an IDO works! It’s a transparent and decentralized way to launch new tokens

Advantages of IDOs

IDOs have some excellent benefits that both projects and investors like:

  • Immediate Liquidity: You can start trading tokens right after the sale, so you can buy or sell quickly.
  • Due Diligence: DEX or launchpads usually perform due diligence to check the projects before the IDO, which helps you trust the project more.
  • Transparency: Everything is handled by smart contracts. This means less chance of cheating and a fair distribution of tokens.
  • Lower Costs: IDOs are cheaper because there are no middlemen compared to traditional fundraising methods.

Risks and Considerations

IDOs are great, but there are some risks you should know about:

  • Regulatory Uncertainty: The rules for IDOs are not clear yet, which might cause legal problems for projects and investors.
  • Security Vulnerabilities: Since IDOs are decentralized, projects need to have strong security to prevent hacks and fraud.
  • Vesting Periods: Sometimes, you can’t sell your tokens right away because of vesting periods. If the token price drops during this time, you might lose money
  • Complex Participation Requirements: To join, you often need to buy and stake launchpad tokens. This can be confusing and might need a lot of initial money​​.
  • Due Diligence: It’s super important to research the project, the team, and tokenomics, avoid scams and losing money.

Platforms for IDOs

IDOs (Initial DEX Offerings) can happen on different platforms, like decentralized exchanges and launchpads. Let’s check out some examples.

Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs)

  • Uniswap: This is a popular DEX. Projects can launch their tokens here through something called liquidity pools.
  • PancakeSwap: Built on the Binance Smart Chain, it’s cool because it has lower transaction fees and fast execution times.


  • Kommunitas: This is a decentralized crowdfunding platform for Web3.0 projects. It works with multiple blockchains like Ethereum, BSC, Polygon, Solana, Avax, and Fantom. What’s neat about Kommunitas is its tierless system. This means all token holders can join in project allocations, making it more inclusive and transparent. Plus, it offers a revenue-sharing model, giving participants extra incentives.
  • Polkastarter: This platform is made for cross-chain token pools and auctions. It helps projects raise funds in a decentralized way.
  • BSCPad: This platform focuses on projects launching on the Binance Smart Chain. It isn't so active these days, but very reliable and provides a platform for token sales with a tiered staking system.


IDOs are changing how crypto projects raise money. They use decentralized exchanges, which means you get quick liquidity, more transparency, and easier access, and they are changing the future of decentralized finance. But remember, like any investment, IDOs have risks. It’s important to do your research before jumping in.

Why should you care about IDOs? They’re a big deal in the ever-changing world of crypto. Knowing what they are and how they work can help you make smarter investment choices.

Stay informed! Keep up with TheHolyCoins for the latest updates and tips on everything crypto.

Want to learn more? Check out our guide on different types of token sales.